My UX process can vary depending on at which point I join a project, the resources available, and the development deadline. This is a high-level view of an ever-evolving process. Every project is different with it's own criteria.
1. Understand
Your User, Your Brand, Timelines
2. Research
Competitive Analysis, Heuristic Evaluation, Site Map, Interviews, User Focus Groups, Surveys, Usability Testing
3. Analyze
Personas, Journey Maps
4. Design
Wireframe, User Flow, Mock-ups, Images, Colors, Usability Testing
5. Launch
User Testing, Beta Launch, Internal Testing
6. Analyze Again
1. Where did our process go?
2. Where did we struggle? And why?
3. How are our users responding to the product?
4. Did it solve their issues and pain points?
5. Where can we improve the product?
6. What lessons can we take away from this process for future products